субота, 1 грудня 2012 р.

The    British 
Generally  British   people  are polite, but this way of behaviour is probably a mask for all kind of other feelings. They may be polite partly because they are afraid of drama and of confrontation.  British  accumulate negative emotions and feelings and do not as a rule express their real feelings spontaneously.  British   people  are obliged by society stereotyping to be polite. The powerful stereotype influence body gestures and movements.
Most  British  men dislike dancing, unless they have had a bit to drink. Interpersonal contacts are generally rather cool and formal. Handshakes are not so warm.  British  punctuality should connect with this formality but also with a kind of respect and consideration for other  people  that helps avoid embarrassing confrontations.
Humour is very developed in Britain. It’s very dry and ironic. Humour helps to relax  people  and the  British  understand exactly how important that is. Humour, however, may cover other feelings. It’s a way of releasing repression and this is important for average  British  character.  British   people  should have a special system in their mind which classifies others according to social positions. Not only English class system produces elite, middle and down  They are very proud in getting through difficult situation. I expect more readers and reading per capita in England. The  British  should like to read a lot: newspapers, books, magazines etc. Great Britain, as we know, was once geographically very great and many  British   people  still think or their land as great and strong. They still think that  British  are the “best.” The  British  are definitely romantic, and this is the result of being shy and reserved.
· They wear unimaginative formal clothes, eat tasteless food, practice slow sports and have a peculiar sense of humor which is usually not understood by foreigners. They are also said to be conservative, reserved and cool. Indeed, the  British  are not very open or spontaneous. They do not kiss or embrace by way of greeting so as not to allow familiarity. They always keep a certain distance and are not willing to manifest their feelings and emotions. They are even accused of being hypocritical because they might thin one thing and say another. It is not easy to make friends with them but once you have made a friend, it is a friend for life.
 The  British  say their best characteristics are culture, courtesy and consideration for the needs of others. Indeed, they are very polite. They always queue when they are waiting for a bus and hold the door open for the person behind them. Also, the  British  bobies have a reputation of being the friendliest and helpful policeman in the world. On the other hand, English football fans are regarded as hooligans and vandals able to tear stadiums into pieces. Generally speaking, however, the  British  are well-mannered. It is also true that they care for the needy, as there are a lot of charity organizations all over Britain.
 There is no place like home, say the  British . This adage best expresses an Englishman’s traditional love of his home. About 70 per cent  of   British   people  have their own houses. Most homes have a garden in which the  British  spend a lot of  time  growing flowers and looking after the lawn, a national pide. Many houses, especially the older ones, are surrounded by hedges, which symbolizes the desire of the  British  to protect their privacy. “My house is my castle”, this well-known proverb reminds a visitor that unless he is invited, he may expect to be treated as an intruder..The English not only love their homes but also their pets. Many  people  keep cats, dogs, budgies and other animals at home. They are completely crazy and obsessed about pets. There are more animal rights groups in Britain than anywhere else in the world. Paradoxically, the English still love the hunting of wild animals with the aim of killing them.

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